
Cola Chicken Wings

Cola Chicken Wings


                  Chicken middle wing(Appropriate amount)
                  Coke (a can)
                            soy sauce       Star anise           ginger           Spring onion            Cooking wine


                    1.All material.

 2.Wash the chicken wings into the onion ginger water boiled fish out, drain.

               3.Pan put a little oil pan, into the chicken wings.

              4.Pan fried until brown.

               5.Pour Cola flooded chicken wings.

               6.Add soy sauce, aniseed, scallion, ginger, boil turn a small fire.

               7.Simmer until thick soup, you can enjoy the delicious!


               1. Want more tasty chicken wings with a knife can draw some small port on the chicken wings marinated before.


Sweet and Sour Pork

Sweet and Sour Pork


                  Tenderloin(Appropriate amount)
                  Ketchup(Appropriate amount)
                  starch(Appropriate amount)
                  egg(Appropriate amount)
                  sesame(Appropriate amount)
                  ginger(Appropriate amount)


               1.The raw material is shown in figure. Ginger into mud, extrusion sauce.

               2.Tenderloin cut into equal sized cubes, with a chopsticks underneath was sliced vertically cut into strips.


               3.Cut tenderloin shreds, good salt, pepper (white pepper best), egg white, ginger juice, grasping uniform pickled ten minutes.                     

               4.Shredded pork with pickled, dry starch mix evenly, and shake off what attached to the top of the starch, put the spare in a colander.

               5.In 80% a hot oil, quickly fried fish out, complex shape, a fried. Fried tenderloin not a long time.

               6.The fried pork dish for standby.

               7.A little sesame seeds into starch in.

               8.Put tomato sauce, sugar, half bowl of water, boil together, cook for one minute. Thicken with starch.

               9.Pour on the meat immediately.


Xi'an Delicacy Article


          Mention gourmet city in China, my first thought was Chengdu, Xi'an is the second. Today we'll attempt to Xi'an. Xi'an gourmet prestigious, the most famous is the HuiFang street, if you don't have to HuiFang street, it can not be visited Xi'an.

                Before introduction HuiFang street  we come on the road to eat hors d'oeuvres. If you just walk around the Xi'an museum, to sit down and get a meal, I recommend you 
               Here brings together some of the famous snacks in Xi'an.

The famous Changan gourd chicken

            Outside the crisp, tender, must point a dish.

Mutton shashlik

         The mutton string local people used to call it a small spoke string, because the former are used to do a bike prod. HuiFang snacks street was full of this kind of meat, but now the basic has gone, we can experience a big name in Changan file here.
Jujube steamed roast


       The environment here is good, have fun Shaanxi at noon, night is the shadow show. Give you two pictures.

          The main course, the following we will walk around the famous HuiFang snacks Street, remember to try not to eat anything before you came her.

Red string

           This snack street is the most red string, everywhere, I tasted a few, the taste is very delicious. Now spoke small string string instead of the basic is red.

Jia three soup dumplings

Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup

Blueberry Ice cream

Blueberry ice cream


                 Blueberry (100g)     
              Light cream (90ml)        
              Egg yolk(1)


             1.Egg yolks, sugar, milk and milk into the pan, and heat over low heat, stirring                           constantly, heat the liquid to see small bubbles began to take an immediate turn                     off the heat.
                 2.Pour all of the cold whipping cream and mix well.
             3.Once mixture is completely cooled and poured into a blender, add blueberries,                       stirring evenly. Blueberry ice cream was obtained.
             4.The ice cream was poured into the crisper, into the freezer.
             5.Ice cream was frozen to the beginning of the ice, taken out whipping whisk for 2                     minutes and then placed in the refrigerator.
             6.After over one hour to take out and continue beating to volume expansion, cream-                 like pass, back into the freezer, after 5-6 hours, completely frozen hard, you can                     enjoy delicious blueberry ice cream.


DIY Banana Split

The banana split lets you cool in the summer afternoon!


              Ice cream (right amount)     
              Decorative Biscuits (right amount)          
              Fruit (some)          
              Banana (one or two)


                 1.First, the banana skin, and then take a round spoon dug a few ice cream on the side of the banana, tak
                 2.Frozen into the refrigerator for a while you can eat.


Gourmet Travel Singapore

If you travel to Singapore, these ten food you absolutely can not miss.

1. kaya toast

            To Singapore must try breakfast here, kaya toast meal Kaya Toast                              Set, two kaya toast, two eggs, half a cup of drink is very popular. Toast the  middle kaya sweet, egg / sugar / Pandan / coconut milk blend, sweet and smooth, but not  greasy, and then with the egg mixture to make toast very silky.

From Grace makiori

From islandoo0

 Recommended: Ya Kun Kaya Toast (Singapore gold medal 50 years old)

2.Singapore Sling

           New York "Manhattan," Russia "in Moscow's ass", Long Island, the "Long Island iced tea", and Singapore, the Raffles Hotel's original cocktail visitors. Its color Hongyan, Ms. suitable for drinking, Singapore wine country.
From senna

From Luxiang North

Recommended: Raffles Hotel(The birthplace of the Singapore Sling.)

3.Spicy Crab

          The most prominent feature is the chili crab chili sauce and tomato sauce modulation, in bright red with a spicy sweet and delicious taste, appetizing.

From Zhao Zhao curious stupid dead cat

From shensioversea

RecommendedJumbo Seafood Restaurant (Riverside Square Branch)


        Satay (roast beef, chicken or pork, lamb skewers), Singapore's famous food. Charcoal grilled chicken, accompanied by onions, cucumbers and sauce tastes, eating to the very fresh. Usually accustomed to eating salty chicken covered with cumin, you can try this chicken tastes.


From black white sauce

Whenever corner sunset, some of the side streets began to bake satay floated bursts of flavor, even when you've eaten dinner, and then can not help but buy the strings of greedy self.


                    The basic ingredient is coconut milk, add vermicelli similar green Chendol (plus the rice green food coloring generally extracted from pandan leaves), ice and palm sugar (palm sugar), red beans, and sometimes may also contain, rice, butter corn, grass jelly and so on.

From - a small high Chuang Meng

6. stuffed tofu laksa

     Just know that before eating Hakka stuffed tofu, stuffed tofu is one of the national dishes in Singapore did not think, with the sweet and spicy Singapore Laksa children, people appetites.

From didoTian

7.carrot cake

            Radish cake is also called "Chai tow Kway", steamed rice and white radish wrapped into a block, and eggs together and fry until golden, then sprinkle onion flowers into, is a common food in Singapore Chaoshan American residents. This dish can be divided into "white" (plain) and "black" (wrapped in sweet soy sauce) two, is a convenient and delicious snacks.

From didoTian


         Nyonya Laksa is a unique cuisine, authentic Nyonya Laksa exquisite flavor spicy coconut milk, shrimp and homemade sweet chili oil, but also must use a staple part of the rough rice.

From dido Tian

Recommended328 Katong Laksa (East Coast Road)

9. Fujian Fried Prawn Mee

         Fujian shrimp using stir stir fry, then egg, soy sauce, onion, collocation, Rice noodles, yellow bean sprouts, shrimp and squid. Recommended Agrimonia 29 Fujian shrimp fried noodle, dozen eggs down fried + full of shrimp and squid + suck full soup shrimp fried noodle, rich soup, noodles tasty.

From dido Tian

 Recommended: Geylang 29 Fujian Fried Prawn Mee

10.D24 Sudan durian

         Be sure to taste the local top-D24 Sudan durian, durian huge, full of flesh, one down, cotton slip succulent sweet!

From dido Tian

 Recommended: Geylang Lane 6, are selling durian stall.